At BESV, we believe in design that is intelligent.

To us, though, design is really only intelligent when it actively benefits the user. This is why all of our products are always designed with the latest, most advanced technology to enhance the user-experience.

We also believe that our design should inspire, so we develop beautifully designed products that capture people's imagination.

Our design philosophy can be summed in this translation of a Chinese poem:

  • Originating from the heart.
  • Developing in tranquility.
  • Achieving a harmonious balance.

Originating from the Heart

When designing or creating any product, we carefully consider the benefit that this product can bring to people’s lives. We believe that innovations must be easy for people to use, if they are to have any real value. As a result, we always take a human-centered approach in all our design work, especially when it comes to applying technological advances to our products.

Developing in Tranquility

The simplest shapes often provide the richest experiences. In our design work, we are guided by the words of Leonardo da Vinci, who declared, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” We believe that form should follow function, and that nothing extraneous should detract from the beauty and peacefulness of the design—or the user experience.

Achieving a Harmonious Balance

Last but not least, we believe that everything we design or create should achieve a perfect balance. It is here, in this balance between craftsmanship and machinery, humanity and science, aesthetics and functionality, and even ecology and industry, that we create the finest products to share with the rest of the world.

Contact Us


  • 167 Shan-ying Road, Guishan, Taoyuan 333, Taiwan, ROC.
  • Tel: +886 3 250 8800
  • Fax: +886 3 350 9542
  • E-Mail:

BESV America

  • 103A Pioneer Way,
    Mountain View, CA 94041
  • Tel: +1 855 980 BESV (+1 855 980 2378)
  • Fax: +1 650 316 6301
  • E-Mail:

BESV Europe B.V

BESV China

  • 398Zhu Yuan Road, MuDu
    Town Wu Zhong District,
  • Tel: +86 512 66518800
  • Fax: +86 512 66367763
  • E-Mail: