Privacy Policy

Welcome to the BESV website ("this website"). This website will protect your personal information and right to privacy in accordance with the law and out of our respect, and herein discloses and explains the website's privacy protection policy ("this policy"). Darad Innovation Corporation ("this company") also explains how it provides appropriate protection for the personal information you have provided. Apart from legal requirements or other agreements between you and this company, you shall be considered to have read this policy and agreed to all content when you use the various services provided by this website. In view of our wish to show our respect and protect your security and privacy when you use this website, this policy accounts for how your personal information is collected, stored, and used when you visit and use this website.

1. Personal information collection and put to use

When you browse or use this website and participate in various activities held by this company, or use other relevant services, this company will ask you to provide your name, ID card number, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and other relevant information ("personal information"). This website will use the personal information you have provided on the website in a cautious and secure manner that is consistent with legal requirements and this policy's specific goals. Apart from use for personal identification, the personal information you provide on this website may be transmitted, used, processed, or stored by this company, its affiliates, or third parties designated by this company for the purpose of marketing and provision of services.

2. Protection and safekeeping of personal information

This company strives to protect the security of your personal information. All personal information stored on this website is securely protected in accordance with law. Third parties may not obtain your personal information without our prior consent. This company will adopt appropriate security mechanisms, technologies, and internal procedures to thoroughly maintain the security of your personal information, and prevent unauthorized access by third parties. This company will not willfully sell, exchange, lease, or use other methods to disclose your personal information to any third party. However, this company may provide your personal information in the following circumstances:

  • You have provided your prior consent or authorization.
  • A judicial unit or other competent authority has requested such information via formal legal processes.

3. Stopping use of or deleting personal information

If you do not wish to allow the continued use of personal information provided to this website, you can use the contact methods provided by this website to contact this company. After obtaining your consent, this website will immediately stop use of or delete your personal information.

4. Third party websites and services

This website may provide links to other websites or use services provided by third parties ("third party website"). You should be aware that third party websites may collect your personal information. These third-party websites have their own privacy protection policies; you should understand that these policies do not apply to third-party websites, and this company is not responsible for your actions after you leave this website.

5. Use of cookies

This website uses cookies to record and analyze your usage, allowing us to provide differentiated, personalized, and more convenient service. We also rely on cookie statistics, analysis, and browsing models to improve, optimize, and enhance this website's services. Depending on your individual needs, you may change the browser's acceptance of cookies.

6. Revision of privacy policy

This company may revise this policy in view of legal requirements and actual needs to ensure that your privacy will not be infringed. If the content of this policy is revised, this company will announce such revisions on this website in order to maintain your website use security and relevant rights and interests.

7. Privacy protection questions

If you have any questions concerning personal information held by this company for this policy, please contact this company via e-mail or telephone.

Contact Us


  • 167 Shan-ying Road, Guishan, Taoyuan 333, Taiwan, ROC.
  • Tel: +886 3 250 8800
  • Fax: +886 3 350 9542
  • E-Mail:

BESV America

  • 103A Pioneer Way,
    Mountain View, CA 94041
  • Tel: +1 855 980 BESV (+1 855 980 2378)
  • Fax: +1 650 316 6301
  • E-Mail:

BESV Europe B.V

BESV China

  • 398Zhu Yuan Road, MuDu
    Town Wu Zhong District,
  • Tel: +86 512 66518800
  • Fax: +86 512 66367763
  • E-Mail: